Sunday, February 15, 2009

To consume is to exist....

When I was in South America I didn't feel like I was missing things, or like I wanted to buy stuff all the time. The only things I longed for sometimes where a room for myself, a better command of the Spanish language (ok, this I wished for every day), and maybe a nicer shower.

Back in Holland however, this has changed. Straight away I started noticing that everyone owns só many things. The iPhone for instance, is so normal here that I have friends that wouldn't want to be seen with it, it's nothing special anymore. People have iPods, laptops, big plasma tv's, expensive shoes, jackets, bags, houses, cars, etc etc. You have to be strong not to get tempted. Well, big surprise, I am not that strong.

Things I never knew I needed but now desperately want to own:
- Philips wake-up light
- coloured contact lenses
- Mac desktop computer
- expensive moisturizer
- about 15 pairs of stockings/leggings
- anything else they will give me in exchange for money

I might not be strong enough not to get tempted, so far I have managed to stop myself from actually buying things. But I wonder how much longer I will last.....!


Sara said...

Do I ever hear that! I've bought so many things since my time back in the states because we have such a consumer driver culture. It's going to be hard to decide what to bring back!

Unknown said...

Haha and yet I had to listen to Dutch people tell me for four years how consumerist Americans are. I always wondered if they looked in the mirror. :-D